Raising awareness of business support for entrepreneurs with digital design and marketing

Nottingham City Council approached King Creative seeking a strategic creative design partnership to help drive awareness of the Create Growth N2 programme, which offers business support to local entrepreneurs based in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire.

Sector: Local authority

Client: Nottingham City Council

Services: Social Media | Graphic Design | Website Design | Digital Design and Marketing

The Challenge

We were invited to tender our expert solution to a local governing body to help them establish a digital presence for their business support programme Create Growth N2. The aim of the project was to raise awareness of the business support available and fully book their two pathways into business support.

We were successful in offering our creative and digital design strategy. We then got to work to implement our best digital practices, which included website design and development, social media presence, and content creation.

#GladToBeBach social media design

The Strategy

Design and development of the main centre of information

We started with the design and development of a website for the programme to have a central place of information, news, and events.

With a time-sensitive deadline to publish a responsive website, we focused on the core fundamentals of the programme, what it offers, the pathways, the partners, and upcoming events. This was delivered within six weeks ahead of a showcase event to launch the programme to start offering business support to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire businesses.

Together with our web development partner, we host and manage the website to maintain its performance, SEO, and digital marketing.

View the live Create Growth N2 website.

Raising awareness across multiple social media channels

To maximise the impact of the website and it’s digital marketing strategy, we also setup accounts on social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn. These platforms serve as an extension of the website’s info, events, and news to promote the programme.

This serves to reach a wider and organic audience within the city and county. With our expertise in content creation, we strategically focus the content to raise awareness of the brand and what it offers, with the aim of business owners signing up for business support. The service is complete with social management and scheduling of content on an ongoing basis.

Success stories

To highlight the value and impact of the programme, we also curated a series of case studies that focus on past success stories of local business support offered. The case studies focus on local entrepreneurs that have received support and how the support has impacted their business and it’s growth.

This is a great way to showcase the value of the programme and it’s impact on the businesses that it serves. The case studies are then published in multiple forms of content, on the website as news articles and on social media as content such as carousels and single-page graphics that highlight key quotes and highlights.

The Outcome

King Creative successfully delivers our enduring digital design and strategic creative partnership that drives the success of Create Growth N2. With the design and development of a responsive website presence, complemented by a social media presence across multiple platforms, we have strategically helped the programme fully book out it’s events and spaces for business support, thus positively impacting business in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

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